

Why join PNPL?

Membership offers opportunities for Pathology practices and Laboratories to interactively share and contribute their experiences through focus groups, workshops, and surveys.
The benefits of 2024 Membership include:

  • Linking Members, Panelists, and industry Advisors
  • Focus Groups on key topics, such as
    • Digital Pathology/AI
    • Diagnostic Medicine
    • Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability
  • Networking Teams, including
    • Practice Leadership Council
    • Finance Managers
    • Compliance Officers
    • Pathologists' Assistants
  • Members-only Reference Library containing hundreds of documents with detailed strategies and templates
  • PNPL’s Book of Secrets
  • Time sensitive Micro Highlights
  • Medicare database reports customized for each Member
  • Annual wRVU Pathologists’ Productivity Report
  • Original white papers, such as Non-Traditional Roles of Pathologists’ Assistants
  • Webinar series on current topics

What is the cost of membership?

1. Membership is open to community hospital-based Pathologists, academic practices, and laboratories based on size.

2.  Practice Fees for 2024:

          Number of Pathologists                Members
                    1 to 4                                              $2,500
                     5 to 9                                             $5,000
                    10 to 19                                          $7,500
                    20+                                                  $10,000

3.  The fee for laboratories:

                      Revenues less than $2 million          $5,000
                      Revenues over $2 million                  $10,000

Download the 2024 PNPL Membership Application here.


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“PNPL provides real-time value to critical issues in healthcare/laboratory. I appreciate their coverage of relevant topics far enough in advance of changes being enacted, allowing more opportunity to act in our ever-evolving, complex businesses.”

James Deluca
John Stokes, Chief Financial Officer
Dallas, TX

“The PNPL library contents and access to the PNPL membership have been invaluable resources as we navigate challenges around topics such as recruiting, hospital contract negotiations, insurer contracting as it relates to professional charges on clinical pathology work, and the implementation of digital pathology.”

Sam Dean
Kim Ginevan, MD, Assistant Managing Director
Spectrum Healthcare Partners
Portland, ME
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“After Joining PNPL, our pathology group in Arizona (one of the largest in the nation) found expert advice on billing, coding and digital pathology, as well as suggestions and support for our negotiations with United Healthcare. The PNPL team is full of experts in the pathology space who are sharing best practices, tools and templates that allow for knowledge in the industry. I highly recommend joining this think tank and look forward to continuing our relationship.”

Lucy Crowe
Sarina Rodriques, Chief Operating Officer
Pathology Specialists of Arizona
Phoenix, AZ
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“Membership in PNPL has been extraordinarily valuable to PDPA by connecting us to a diverse group of thought leaders involved in the business of pathology and providing access to a curated reference library which has been very helpful in informing our decision making. We look forward to continuing our participation in PNPL.”

Farrah Lynch
Tarek Bishara, MD, President
Pee Dee Pathology Associates
Florence, SC
Slide 5

Smart Slider 3 is the best slider that i’ve tried so far. There’s so many useful functions and easy to understand how to use it.

“I value the access and information exchange with highly experienced and successful professionals in the pathology space.”

Jennifer Pinasco, MHA, Chief Executive Officer
Yosemite Pathology | Precision Pathology
Modesto, CA
Design Director
Slide 5

Smart Slider 3 is the best slider that i’ve tried so far. There’s so many useful functions and easy to understand how to use it.

“Membership in PNPL offers IU the ability to see the pathology field as a whole, rather than looking solely through the academic lens. The interaction with PNPL’s private practice groups allows me to understand their ‘pain points.’ Since our academic group includes community practices at the outlying hospitals, we too are feeling some of the same pain. Access to benchmarks from both academic and private practices has also been invaluable as I address issues on the academic side.”

Andrea Ligler, MBA, Vice Chair Clinical and Academic Administration
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN
Design Director
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